"Andrey Delchev and Partners" drafted the laws for electronic governance of state property

"Andrey Delchev and Partners" drafted the laws for electronic governance of state property

"Андрей Делчев и партньори" изготви нормативните промени, които позволяват електронно управление на държавните имоти

"Andrey Delchev and Partners", together with "Siela Norma" JSC, finalized successfully a project for drafting of legislation for the electronic governance of all state and municipal properties in Bulgaria and abroad.
Our team, led by the partner Severina Liubenova, prepared laws and by-laws that guarantee the development and functioning of an IT system for the management of state and municipal property, including a unified register of the property.
The project is part of the Updated Strategy for Electronic Governance of Bulgaria and is implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works under Operational Program “Good Governance” of the EU.
The successful closure of this stage provides lots of opportunities for the Bulgarian IT sector to participate in the development of a key component of the Bulgarian electronic government. It opens the way for the smart, effective and transparent governance of the public property, as well as for greater citizens control.

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